Grand Master White’s October Address to the Craft


The month of September is drawing to a close and the Lodges are busy planning and implementing programs they have laid out on their trestleboards. You can feel the excitement in the air. There is degree work going on almost everywhere. I believe Freemasonry is alive and moving in the right direction in Wisconsin. We are making great strides not only in the Blue Lodge, but also in our appendant bodies  as well. Our numbers are still declining, but every year we draw closer to an actual gain. We all need to concentrate on Lodge programing and keeping our Brothers involved and interested. We also need to be much more thorough in checking out and contacting our Brothers who are in arrears with their dues. If we can cut down the resignations and suspensions for nonpayment of dues we will have an increase in membership sooner than expected. Keep up the good work.

I have tried to be at the Grand Lodge office at least once a week to sign dispensations and bylaw changes. I am encouraged with the number of requests for bylaw changes allowing lodges to remain open all year. I know this is repetitious, but I believe it is important. Lodges need to remain open and be active to retain membership. It’s very easy to get out of a routine, when you get a two month break it’s easy to remain home when the Lodge reopens in the fall or spring. If your Lodge hasn’t examined its bylaws for a number of years please do so as soon as possible.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Grand Lodge Office Staff. They make the transition of being Grand Master very easy. They are always willing to help and share their years of experience. We are truly fortunate to have the employees we have. Thank You.

I have had a wonderful month traveling to functions. I have just concluded visiting the Veterans hospital in Madison. The volunteers who donate their time are to be congratulated on a job well done. I was astounded by the number of volunteer hours logged during the last year. MWPGM Beecher Daniels and his representatives are working hard to give back as much as possible to those who have served our country in the several branches of our armed forces.  As you know we have increased our monthly donations to our hospital representative by $100.00 a month. If you have any extra time please consider volunteering at one of the hospitals, I’m sure they would appreciate any assistance you could provide.

The Grand Lodge Officers traveled to Wausau to help Forrest Lodge No. 130 celebrate their 150th year as a Lodge. We performed a reconsecration ceremony for them and enjoyed a fabulous meal along with ZOR Potentate Steve Peterson and his lady. The evening was filled with history and memories of years past. To have a Masonic presence in a community for 150 years is a great accomplishment. It takes great leadership and dedication from its members. My personal thanks to MWPGM John W. Wilke for assisting the current Grand Lodge officers in this great endeavor. We all had a great time.

Please continue promoting the tenants of our gentle craft.



Davey L. White Jr.

M.W. Grand Master