Spring or signs of Spring’s return are finally upon us. The icy, dark days of harsh Winter and dormancy are behind us and we begin to head into the season of renewal, warmth, and growth.

Each time I have the privilege of entering one of our lodges or attending one of your lodge events, the Masons and their families that I have the honor to meet are a true joy and fill me with the brotherly love they share. During each of these encounters I find myself in a state of Masonic and personal renewal as a result of the warmth of Wisconsin Masons.

The journey throughout this Masonic Year has been and is a “Mountain Top Experience” each and every day. I am a regular witness to Just and Upright Masons Stirring Up Good and having a lot of fun at the same time. Everywhere I go I see Masons coming together to achieve huge goals. The results of proper planning and execution of well-laid plans lead each time to the lives of individuals and even entire communities being improved.

Lady Ronda and I recently traveled to Sturgeon Bay and there met up with Past Grand Master Arby Humphrey and Lady Cindy. Our purpose was to be a part of the team at Henry S. Baird Lodge the weekend of the Steam Boat Dinner event. Some 800 meals were planned prepared and delivered to shut-ins in the region as well as a sit-down dinner fundraiser for the Lodge. Well planned would be an understatement. Well executed would, again, be an understatement. A high- quality Masonic event completed along lines of excellence-spot on!

Proper planning and preparation for our lodge activities is essential to success. The quality of our Masonic Day of Light program is highly rated with glowing reports from participants and observers because of the planning and delivery of incredibly well accomplished ritual that makes for an extremely fulfilling day of lasting impressions for new Brothers. Again, planning and execution done by wonderfully talented Wisconsin Masons!

Our time is now! I ask that each of you spread the Light of Freemasonry wherever your journey takes you. I’m proud to be a Mason and each and every one of you should be too. Let’s tell our story of goodness, decency, and brotherly love. Let us care for all and engage always in the gentlemanly conduct that every Just and Upright Mason is taught while standing in the northeast corner of the Lodge while remembering the promises made while kneeling at the Sacred Altar of Freemasonry.

My Brothers, let us endeavor to lead the generations who will follow us to a better place in a society that sorely needs our brand of civility. Let us engage in a season of renewal of uplifting one another, and those we encounter, with positive thoughts and actions. Let’s Keep Stirring Up Good!

I’ll see you in Lodge.

Scott Pedley

Grand Master