2023 Masonic All-Star Soccer trains youth to be goal-oriented

The 2023 Masonic All-Star Soccer game weekend activities started with afternoon training sessions in Sun Prairie on July 28 followed by a cookout that evening.

District 7 Deputy Ryan A. Mayrand grills hot dogs for the event
Erin and Olivia Mayrand prepare the smoothies for the players

A free youth clinic was added this year giving the younger players an opportunity to learn from the All-Stars. 

Players from the youth clinic learn from the All-Stars. Practice was moved inside because of the extreme heat.

The Masons of Wisconsin are the primary sponsors headed by Brother Brian Lerch. Brother Dave Tainter is in charge of the cookout, feeding about 250, where the soccer players claim, “We don’t get fed like this anywhere else we go.” 

Brother Dave Tainter keeps the the food coming as the hungry players fill their plates

The games were held at Breese Stevens Field in Madison on July 29th. Many thanks to all of the Masons, players, parents, volunteers, coaches and mentors who helped make the weekend a success!

Courtesy of the Wisconsin Masonic Journal, photos by Rich Rygh