“Thursday Night at the Rite” filmed at Madison Valley 

On January 28, 2024 the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction film crew was at the Wisconsin Masonic Center filming the 20th degree. Cameras, lights, and sound system were brought to the Center from Massachusetts for this professional filming. In all, it took five hours to film the 1 hour and 15 minute degree. The director, James Dill, 33rd, brought a crew of five to complete this incredible event. 

Above, Brother Matt Ivens, playing the role of Benedict Arnold, gets his microphone installed.

The cast and crew of the 20th degree.

The lesson is that “Treason is a crime over which Masonry casts no mantle of charity”. The lesson unfolds in this dramatic script with several surprises along the way. Don’t miss this performance by the Valley of Madison!

The production crew readies the equipment to begin filming.